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Tigers vs. orioles Game Thread August 12

MI_Thumb said:
Baltimore took their pitcher out when it was obvious he was getting killed.

We should have pulled Penny for sure after the double, if not the HR

Pitches up and flat, getting hit hard, yes, smokes trys to get extra inning or batters, he was lucky, the oriles announcers saying reynolds hits him well.
Wow....Guess Ajax and Dirks decided to let Penny off the hook.
[color=#006400 said:
[quote="biggunsbob":1ermcvv2]What do we have 8 LOB's tonight...

yes so far, and 2 for 7 risp.[/quote:1ermcvv2]
3 for 8,

Tigers lead 5 - 4,
dumb play, Magglio first pitch grounder, God, Dirks was a dead duck.
Dirks needs to play everyday.. Once Boesh is healthy, it should be Dirks 2nd and Boesch third...
any word on boesch he going to be ready to play again anytime soon, getting real tired of mugs again already.
oh he went, we got away with one there but then of course mugs is so fucking slow we couldn't take advantage of it.
How the hell do you get thrown out by a few feet on that play?

My god Maggs, that's fucking embarrassing.
It never fails verses the Tigers...

When are we going have balls get through for us... game after game this happens..
TigerMud said:
any word on boesch he going to be ready to play again anytime soon, getting real tired of mugs again already.

Looks like a few more days.
Tigers regain the lead, and better keep it, hope no more Penny tonight, and I dunno who will come in to pitch in relief.


Cmon Miggy, help pad the lead here!!

Hardy is killing us at the plate and in the field.

Showalter is about to get tossed from the dugout.
mjsb2 said:
How the hell do you get thrown out by a few feet on that play?

My god Maggs, that's fucking embarrassing.

Wasted 10 Million in my opinion... I hope DD uses the money to get faster next season..