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Tigers vs. orioles Game Thread August 12

johnny2x2x said:
We were so excited when Guillen came back, now he's a bigger hole in the lineup than Raburn.

No that is not right... He is a much better fielder and the stats bear that out.. They both stink right now...Raburn can only hit left handed pitchers..
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]With Magglio it just frustrates me that Jim keeps batting him third... Move his ASS down to 8th...

I just tweeted Leyland you're killing us, get Maggs out of the 3 spot.
hope I don't get a tweet back that says F you kalinecountry. lol.
johnny2x2x said:
Minny gave it up in Cleveland. Ugh.

Cleveland 3 runs on 12 hits, that sounds more like a Tiger stat.

Minny has 2 runs on 5 hits.
LOL @ ESPN gameday..no update after Peralta's AB, then suddenly its the bottom of the 7th.
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Coke very nice...

I'm going to beat you to 400 posts Bob, but after that I'm going to sit back and watch you steamroll me.
MI_Thumb said:
Where the hell has that Phil Coke been all year....

In the starting rotation for 14 starts... I guess it took some time for him after the ankle problem
Not to Leyland, normall the guys batting .220-.240 this late in the season bat no higher than 7th.

Oh, and those guys batting .290 plus don't usually bat 8th and 9th given the above statement.
MI_Thumb said:
[quote="biggunsbob":9r19vp7f]Coke very nice...

I'm going to beat you to 400 posts Bob, but after that I'm going to sit back and watch you steamroll me.[/quote:9r19vp7f]

probably not..

God WB on fire...

bat him third.....LOL