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Tigers vs. rangers ALCS Game 1 Thread Oct. 8

Sigh....they mostly just don't look good at the plate thus far in this postseason AND the team as a whole whatsoever, and when Inge is one of your best and patient hitters so far...farcking surreal...ick!!
4 pitches right down the middle and he cannot catch up to none of them.
Tigers 6th inning,

Peralta slider strike call, curve high, fastball swings and misses, fastball fouled back, off speed off the corner grounded to third,

Santiago fastball in the dirt, fastball strike call, grounder to second,

Inge swings and misses a changeup, fastball low, changeup low, fastball inside, fastball popped foul full count, way inside for a walk,

Jackson takes a fastball high, changeup inside, swings and misses belt high, fastball swings and misses, throw to first, 98 is fouled back, slider outside full count, Inge running 97 fouled back, yep he k's swinging,


3 - 2.
Jackson's approach gives me heartburn. You're not a power hitter, shorten up and the ball the other way with 2 strikes
Spockmaster said:
TigerMud said:
Jackson can not catch up to anything over 94
its his leg kick, i hate it. no idea why we stopped trying to get him to get rid of it like the yanks were. you'd think they know something about hitting...

Seriously I don't think i've ever seen him hit a ball hard over 94 Mph. it's painfully obvious he's just a damn easy out at the top there.
Turok said:
Sigh....they mostly just don't look good at the plate thus far in this postseason AND the team as a whole whatsoever, and when Inge is one of your best and patient hitters so far...farcking surreal...ick!!

Hats off to inge for being patient at the plate now if we can just get him to teach the rest of the class.
He just looks overmatched %75 of the time. But who else do you put there...?
I wonder if they will make adjustments with him this off-season and spring since he has regressed so much this season.
smayschmouthfootball said:
[color=#551A8B said:
TinselWolverine[/color]]How are you fuckers doing? I've been kinda focused on college football with the Michigan game, and Ohio* v Nebraska, and the rain delay and that shit...

So how are you fuckers doing tonight?

We're watching the only sport that really matters other than the NHL. CFB is down the sport chain.

Football is THE most American sport. Baseball.... Not so much.
pr0tege said:
I wonder if they will make adjustments with him this off-season and spring since he has regressed so much this season.
i highly doubt it. best thing we can do is trade for a 2B who can lead off then stick ajax 9th.
pr0tege said:
I wonder if they will make adjustments with him this off-season and spring since he has regressed so much this season.

Who will help JacKson? McClendon? Bwahahahahaha
justinrose74 said:
Spockmaster said:
its his leg kick, i hate it. no idea why we stopped trying to get him to get rid of it like the yanks were. you'd think they know something about hitting...

They do. We don't

Meh, they're watching this game and the Tigers are playing in it.
I could shove a hot poker up Welke's asshole and he'd still call it a ball.
The amount of 2B especially those that lead off is very slim to none. At least those that would be available.
pr0tege said:
I wonder if they will make adjustments with him this off-season and spring since he has regressed so much this season.

Best adjustment no matter what they do with his body mechanics is to drop him to 8-9 in the order, and try to seek another leadoff hitter in the off-season, which will be very difficult, since that player will also likely have to play 2B.
