Tigers 6th inning,
Rhymes takes a cutter in the dirt skips to the backstop, belt high fastball lined to the right field corner for a double,
Young fly to deep right center and caught and Rhymes tags up and gets to third,
Cabrera is getting an intentional walk runners first and third,
bunch of pussies, make them pay Victor,
Martinez fouls it down left, cutter in and lined foul down right, curve outside, takes the high fastball doesn't chase it, cutter fouled back, again, jammed up and in and fouls it back, takes a changeup in the dirt full count, cutter drilled deep to right and it's gone a 3 run homer, what a Bomb,
Victor was batting .395 after a walk to Cabrera and that goes up,
Tigers lead 4 - 0 and some breathing room,
Avila curve strike call, takes high, curve high, ball, checks his swing strike call full count, curve in the dirt for a walk,
Peralta cutter in the dirt and off the catchers foot skips away and Avila to second wild pitch, cutter breaks way in on Jhonny, fastball high fouled back, curve up and in again, fastball inside for a walk,
first and second,
beavisfloyd up to 98 pitches as catcher out to talk, now liverlips out to make a pitching change,
Betemit takes a fastball high, fastball fouled back, swings and misses a fastball, curve off the corner but ump says it's a strike,
Dirks is pinch hit for by Raburn first pitch pop fly to right and first baseman has it,
Tigers lead 4 - 0.