He definitely was arrested in 2009. We all know they changed his most recent arrest report for some reason. It originally said he was arrested and was edited to say he was not.
The Cleveland Dealer wrote there were 9 police reports from January 1, 2012 and July 26, 2018 related to domestic disputes between Smith and his wife (eventually ex wife). (
link) they don't identify all 9, but apparently some were child custody disputes (presumably stuff like him not showing up to pick up kids when he says he will, or not returning them when he's supposed to). then these:
* A report from Oct. 21, 2015 indicates Courtney informed police that she felt she was being followed by someone in a black SUV, and shared she was having issues "with her soon to be ex-husband." That was the first mention of domestic issues found in the reports obtained by cleveland.com.
* Another report from Oct. 26, 2015 details Courtney Smith telling Powell police she wished to file a restraining order against her husband.
* There's a report from January 5, 2016 in which Courtney Smith was given a speeding warning. Smith shared that she was having domestic issues with her ex-husband that day, and that the City of Powell was aware of it. The report adds that she was crying and visibly upset.
* An incident on December 17, 2017 when Courtney reported neighbors seeing Zach looking through the windows of her home, the windows of her vehicle and banging on the door of her home at 1:30 a.m. No charges were filed from that incident, but Zach Smith was issued a trespass warning.
she filed for divorce in or around November 2015.
if we're indicting Zach Smith, the police reports alone may not substantiate much more than a crime of trespass. and the part about someone following her, she apparently saw the guy and knew it wasn't Smith. so that can't be used against him. though it may or may not be worse if you think about it. if she wasn't randomly being stalked, then he was getting other people involved to intimidate her. and her getting pulled over for speeding and blaming him is just hearsay.
but this is about what Urban knew (and he definitely knew something), and why he kept Smith on his staff.
and that's why there's also the texts to Shelley meyer, including the ones with Zach Smith admitting to the abuse, and the pics of bruises and blood. and yeah, if he was doing this in 2009 and getting arrested for it, that sure doesn't look like an isolated incident or out of character.
I also know people who've gotten out of abusive relationships. the continuing issues with the ex-spouse is a clear sign of an abusive person, especially using the kids & custody fights to try to keep a measure of control over the ex-spouse.
I see the press wondering why Meyer kept him on staff after all the 2015 incidents, and that probably is the key time when this goes against Meyer's reputation. he could've fired him then and credibly argued he didn't condone his behavior. and that giving him a second chance in 2009 was out of a sincere belief he could turn it around. Now? Nope!
And the fact that Smith wasn't like an integral part of the staff makes it even worse... like he wasn't even weighing wins against Courtney Smith and her kids' well being... which is awful enough, but he wasn't weighing ANYTHING against it. He didn't give a shit.