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Game 12: Lions @ Bears Thread

Wow. Great.

What a absolute joke. This probably just fucked them up for another 5 years. No chance for a top 10 QB. Wow. Fuck this organization.

Lol. Wow. Calm down. Jesus. Do we need to call someone for you?

We?ll lose our last 4 decisively. 5-11.
Well, if we're going to have meaningless wins, may as well fuck over a division rival.
Team will probably go to 9-7 now and still miss the playoffs and hire Bevell. Lol.

You shut up.

I?m blaming you if that happens! Just because Michigan continues to hire terrible coaches you don?t have to take your anger out on the Lions!!!
They weren't getting one of the top qb's anyway. So funny the Lions come from 10 down an win a meaningless game.
You shut up.

I’m blaming you if that happens! Just because Michigan continues to hire terrible coaches you don’t have to take your anger out on the Lions!!!

I'm not mad. I wasn't rooting for them to lose. You know me better then that. Lions aren't eliminated from super bowl yet! I really don't want Bevell. But they did seem to play hard for him from what I watched.
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Lions can still trade up if necessary...a fired HC within the season often results in a win for a de-stressed team in their next game, and the Bears were on a 5 game losing streak to boot.
Theres not many defensive stars projected at the 8-15 range in next years draft. Youre honestly looking at:

Aiden Hutchinson comming of Injury
Kwitty Paye whos probably an undersaized edge for the NFL
The 4th QB off the board....probably Trask or Trey Lance
A stud WR
Trade down for Micah Parsons LB
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I'm not mad. I wasn't rooting for them to lose. You know me better then that. Lions aren't eliminated from super bowl yet! I really don't want Bevell. But they did seem to play hard for him from what I watched.

I know. I was kidding.

I don?t want Bevell either. But I think it?s refreshing for the team right now. Bevell comes from years in Seattle under Carrol....who is LOVED by his players. Patricia was not only bad....but it seems everyone hated him as well. You can be a dick if you?re Belichek and can point to you 6 Lombardi trophies....but not when your a fat fucker who hasn?t won shit!
I know. I was kidding.

I don?t want Bevell either. But I think it?s refreshing for the team right now. Bevell comes from years in Seattle under Carrol....who is LOVED by his players. Patricia was not only bad....but it seems everyone hated him as well. You can be a dick if you?re Belichek and can point to you 6 Lombardi trophies....but not when your a fat fucker who hasn?t won shit!

Agree with that . As soon as we started hearing whispers of player Discontent under Patrica I thought. Oh no
I know. I was kidding.

I don?t want Bevell either. But I think it?s refreshing for the team right now. Bevell comes from years in Seattle under Carrol....who is LOVED by his players. Patricia was not only bad....but it seems everyone hated him as well. You can be a dick if you?re Belichek and can point to you 6 Lombardi trophies....but not when your a fat fucker who hasn?t won shit!

Yeah I mentioned that early during the broadcast. They said something like, "The players felt like a window opened and a breath of fresh air washed over the franchise."

He must have been such a massive asshole.
Stafford great game. Pick bad but a great game othereise. Still alive folks

Bigger challenge upcoming
Yeah I mentioned that early during the broadcast. They said something like, "The players felt like a window opened and a breath of fresh air washed over the franchise."

He must have been such a massive asshole.

They looked truly happy for Bevell after the game. Like genuinely. Good sign that atleast they were trying today...and that at the end of the game they included their coach.
Stafford great game. Pick bad but a great game othereise. Still alive folks

Bigger challenge upcoming

Stafford great 4th qtr. we had like 13 points with a couple mins left in the 3rd qtr.
They looked truly happy for Bevell after the game. Like genuinely. Good sign that atleast they were trying today...and that at the end of the game they included their coach.

Hopefully they’re doing that for Saleh next year.
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Agree with that . As soon as we started hearing whispers of player Discontent under Patrica I thought. Oh no

For me it was when Matty fatty said that the season begins on Thanksgiving...uhh yeah...maybe for franchises that field teams who often have pulled away from most of the other contenders in their division/conference during their remaining 6 games.