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Game 12: Lions @ Bears Thread

We need a Dombrowski/Leyland combo.

Well....those two failed to win a WS championship in 5 tries, but their teams won plenty of division titles, playoff games, and a couple of AL pennants.

So taking into account the Lions 2 div titles and 1 playoff win in 3 times the amount of seasons, I would very happily accept similar from their new GM and HC.
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Cards and Vikings 6-6

8-8 could get you in if lions beat Vikings. 9-7 on the table

But got get past Green Bay. Please get kg and swift back. Throw in hand and flowers and Okudah too

I think Seattle (8-4) and TB (7-5) are pretty much locks to get in over the Lions. That leaves 1 spot between 6 teams.

MN 6-6 @TB, vs Chi, @ NO, @ Det
AZ 6-6 @ NYG, vs Eagles, VS 49ers, @ Rams
SF 5-6 vs Bills, vs Wash, @ Dal, @ AZ, vs Sea
Bears 5-7 vs Hou, @ MN, @ Jags, vs GB
Lions 5-7 vs GB, @ TN, vs TB, vs MN
Wash 4-7 @Pitt, @49ers, vs Sea, vs Car, @ Philly

All of those schedules are pretty similar. If the 49ers win tonight the might have a decent chance for 9-7
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Cards and Vikings 6-6

8-8 could get you in if lions beat Vikings. 9-7 on the table

But got get past Green Bay. Please get kg and swift back. Throw in hand and flowers and Okudah too

We will have the most difficult time against aggressive defenses an great front 7s. I think that means we struggle against TB and Min and oddly enough have a chance against GB and Ten.

0-4 most likely. But you can throw 1 miracle win in there for shits n giggles. 6-10 is on the table.
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We will have the most difficult time against aggressive defenses an great front 7s. I think that means we struggle against TB and Min and oddly enough have a chance against GB and Ten.

0-4 most likely. But you can throw 1 miracle win in there for shits n giggles. 6-10 is on the table.

That's my thought. We'll pull one win out of the last 4. Tennessee is reeling and we have more success against bigger backs than we do against the Dalvin Cook's of the world. Not saying we'll STOP DH.

I think we get curb stomped again by GB.....play Tennessee tough........get butt fucked by TB and lose late against Minnesota.

5-11 is basement and most likely
6-10 is ceiling.
Well....those two failed to win a WS championship in 5 tries, but their teams won plenty of division titles, playoff games, and a couple of AL pennants.

So taking into account the Lions 2 div titles and 1 playoff win in 3 times the amount of seasons, I would very happily accept similar from their new GM and HC.

Dombrowski is the Lucifer of GM's. He'll get you where you want to go, but you'll sell your soul doing it.

But as a Lions fan....i'd take that in a heart beat.

Leyland was great at managing his players. A rare old school players manager. He'd heap praise on them over and over again for their successes.....but ride your ass if you made mental mistakes. His players universally loved him......at least in Detroit.

Sounds like Saleh is the same way. Guys will bust their ass for him. He's respected. Gets the most out of their talents. Puts them in position to win games. You know, everything Patricia wasn't.
Based on records, I think 8-8 is still in play for 7th seed because 2-2 finishes for 6-6 teams can very much happen. Beating Cards is big and beating Vikings would be big. Same with beating Bucs for head to head.

Green Bay is really tough. I think that depends on KG and Swift, Hand and Flowers back. They are going to have to figure out run defense though. If Aaron Jones goes off again, they will be toast on Sunday.

We can give Vikings that 7th loss. Give Bucs a 6th lost, then they would need 2-1. Cards have a tough schedule with Giants doing better now (just beat Seattle). 49ers/Bills is a big one tonight.

It's very very difficult and if Lions don't execute of course it won't matter because they'll lose 2 at least. But it's possible still

Patricia blew it against Panthers and Texans (and almost WFT) and got fired. Bevell and Undlins turn now. They already did something Patricia couldn't do.
Based on records, I think 8-8 is still in play for 7th seed because 2-2 finishes for 6-6 teams can very much happen. Beating Cards is big and beating Vikings would be big. Same with beating Bucs for head to head.

Green Bay is really tough. I think that depends on KG and Swift, Hand and Flowers back. They are going to have to figure out run defense though. If Aaron Jones goes off again, they will be toast on Sunday.

We can give Vikings that 7th loss. Give Bucs a 6th lost, then they would need 2-1. Cards have a tough schedule with Giants doing better now (just beat Seattle). 49ers/Bills is a big one tonight.

It's very very difficult and if Lions don't execute of course it won't matter because they'll lose 2 at least. But it's possible still

Patricia blew it against Panthers and Texans (and almost WFT) and got fired. Bevell and Undlins turn now. They already did something Patricia couldn't do.

The coaching staff really didn't do anything different than get lucky that the Bears fumbled the game away (although it was a good play by the Lions D).

The Lions still couldn't run the ball, they couldn't stop the run, and still gave up 30 points to a very shitty offense.
The coaching staff really didn't do anything different than get lucky that the Bears fumbled the game away (although it was a good play by the Lions D).

The Lions still couldn't run the ball, they couldn't stop the run, and still gave up 30 points to a very shitty offense.

Defensively it was much of the same. Almost 3 of 4 Dline hurt and 2 CBs. But yeah alot of work needed and the biggest reason Bevell won't get the job either

Offensively, they opened it up for Stafford and it worked. 400 yards and 3 TDs against a good defense. Even with KG out, Swift out and 2 Oline hurt (Vaitai and Crosby got hurt early). We'll see what running game does with Swift back soon enough. The Agnew stuff didnt' really work though other than one catch. Good seeing everyone contribute too. Marvin, Cephus, Hock, Amendola and Agnew and even a Jessie James TD.

Shootout with the Packers hopefully and then try to force a turnover or 2 while not giving up any.

Run D won't be good with Hand and Flowers out. Strong made a huge stuff to win the game. Okwara has been good most of the sesaon and made another huge play.

And the Lions actually made some adjustments on defense. First half gave up 23 points. Second half gave up only 7 with some big time stops, plus the typical Bears bad offense. Lions forced 3 punts, a forced fumble and one 4th and short stop (aided by Robinson). But NFL is all about capitalizing on mistakes and the Lions finally did.
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The coaching staff really didn't do anything different than get lucky that the Bears fumbled the game away (although it was a good play by the Lions D).

The Lions still couldn't run the ball, they couldn't stop the run, and still gave up 30 points to a very shitty offense.

Said it multiple times throughout the game thread. All Chicago had to do was run the ball on every play and they would have won by double digits. Really bad job by Nagy.
Defensively it was much of the same. Almost 3 of 4 Dline hurt and 2 CBs. But yeah alot of work needed and the biggest reason Bevell won't get the job either

Offensively, they opened it up for Stafford and it worked. 400 yards and 3 TDs against a good defense. Even with KG out, Swift out and 2 Oline hurt (Vaitai and Crosby got hurt early). We'll see what running game does with Swift back soon enough. The Agnew stuff didnt' really work though other than one catch. Good seeing everyone contribute too. Marvin, Cephus, Hock, Amendola and Agnew and even a Jessie James TD.

Shootout with the Packers hopefully and then try to force a turnover or 2 while not giving up any.

Run D won't be good with Hand and Flowers out. Strong made a huge stuff to win the game. Okwara has been good most of the sesaon and made another huge play.

And the Lions actually made some adjustments on defense. First half gave up 23 points. Second half gave up only 7 with some big time stops, plus the typical Bears bad offense. Lions forced 3 punts, a forced fumble and one 4th and short stop (aided by Robinson). But NFL is all about capitalizing on mistakes and the Lions finally did.

I do want to see what this defense can do with Everson Griffen, Okwara and FLowers all on the field at the same time. Could completely change the way our D performs. LBs and Secondary will still suck...but getting some pressure will help them.
I do want to see what this defense can do with Everson Griffen, Okwara and FLowers all on the field at the same time. Could completely change the way our D performs. LBs and Secondary will still suck...but getting some pressure will help them.

Agreed. Just want to see what they can do. But i think Flowers injury was more serious than they let on. Might not ever see it.

Lions had some good weeks of run D after the bye other than Cook being Cook. Shelton, Flowers and Hand are missed there. The backups stepped up in second half and Strong made a big stop coming off the street to win the damn game.

And this further just proves a point what Chicago did. If you run the ball successfully, even a guy like Trubisky can have a some success (another 100 QB rating day) and 30 points scored.

Lions will have to wait for Swift health for that. But RT and RG are needs though Crosby has done some things. But the next GM probably has to roll with Vaitai for a year due to contract and other places to fix (defense and WR). Maybe not though. Decker, Jackson and Ragnow are set through 2021. Then Ragnow 5th year option but hopefully he gets re-signed
The coaching staff really didn't do anything different than get lucky that the Bears fumbled the game away (although it was a good play by the Lions D).

The Lions still couldn't run the ball, they couldn't stop the run, and still gave up 30 points to a very shitty offense.

This was my thought, too. We looked about the same. We did seem to extend our passing game a bit.....a few more throws downfield than before.

We played more zone....but with little success. Chicago had guys wide open in their zones all day. Trubisky hit them easily. Pressure was nearly non existent until the last 2 drives. That?s not going to do it against TB, GB, Minn or Tenn. we?ll be down by 28 if we wait until the 4th to get pressure.

Jarred Davis is absolute garbage in this system.....about the only role he?s ever had even a small amount of success is as a blitzer. It?s time to let that guy loose. No reason not to.

Need to get Swift back. Would be nice to have KG as well. Stafford has always been good about giving guys a chance to win jump balls downfield....and KG is the best in the business at winning those.
This was my thought, too. We looked about the same. We did seem to extend our passing game a bit.....a few more throws downfield than before.

We played more zone....but with little success. Chicago had guys wide open in their zones all day. Trubisky hit them easily. Pressure was nearly non existent until the last 2 drives. That?s not going to do it against TB, GB, Minn or Tenn. we?ll be down by 28 if we wait until the 4th to get pressure.

Jarred Davis is absolute garbage in this system.....about the only role he?s ever had even a small amount of success is as a blitzer. It?s time to let that guy loose. No reason not to.

Need to get Swift back. Would be nice to have KG as well. Stafford has always been good about giving guys a chance to win jump balls downfield....and KG is the best in the business at winning those.

The fact we play davis, jones, tavaii and Collins often at LB and Collins is the only one noticable EVER. Its crazy. Most of the time those open 10-12 yard in route zones are the LBS responsibility. Its no wonder why its always wide open. Just terrible LB crew.
This was my thought, too. We looked about the same. We did seem to extend our passing game a bit.....a few more throws downfield than before.

We played more zone....but with little success. Chicago had guys wide open in their zones all day. Trubisky hit them easily. Pressure was nearly non existent until the last 2 drives. That?s not going to do it against TB, GB, Minn or Tenn. we?ll be down by 28 if we wait until the 4th to get pressure.

Jarred Davis is absolute garbage in this system.....about the only role he?s ever had even a small amount of success is as a blitzer. It?s time to let that guy loose. No reason not to.

Need to get Swift back. Would be nice to have KG as well. Stafford has always been good about giving guys a chance to win jump balls downfield....and KG is the best in the business at winning those.

Ya give poor hockenson a break....poor guy has to leap 5 yards every time a ball is throw his way and lands full speed on his ass about 10 times a game. We'll get Golladay back and Hock will go out with a hip injury.
I think Seattle (8-4) and TB (7-5) are pretty much locks to get in over the Lions. That leaves 1 spot between 6 teams.

MN 6-6 @TB, vs Chi, @ NO, @ Det
AZ 6-6 @ NYG, vs Eagles, VS 49ers, @ Rams
SF 5-6 vs Bills, vs Wash, @ Dal, @ AZ, vs Sea
Bears 5-7 vs Hou, @ MN, @ Jags, vs GB
Lions 5-7 vs GB, @ TN, vs TB, vs MN
Wash 5-7 @49ers, vs Sea, vs Car, @ Philly

All of those schedules are pretty similar. If the 49ers win tonight the might have a decent chance for 9-7

updated it since Washington beat Pittsburg today
Ya alot of people are looking at schedules to figure out playoff chances. Im looking at schedules of teams currently picking above us to see how high of a pick we could possibly get.

My post wasn't an optimistic post about the Lions chances, I was pointing out that the odds are slim to none given the number of teams basically competing for one spot.

The Lions are probably going to win 2 more games and fuck up their chances of picking in the top 10