Miss Schwartz yet?
Nah...I would only miss a Lions HC who demonstrated beyond any doubt that he could coach his teams to a higher level each season from the absolute pits of bust, like Shorts had for 3 seasons out of 5. But it is easy to go from 0-16 to 2-14, then from 2-14 to 6-10, then from 6-10 to 10-6 and a WC spot.
His team then regressed badly, going from 10-6 to 4-12. An outlier season is possible with any NFL team in any given season, in this era of supposed "parity" (except for the Patriots, apparently, who buck this trend most often by hook or crook) But this past season, particularly the second half, was as pathetically ugly as ANY that I have ever witnessed in my 40+ years of watching the Lions play. When a team loses so many games by a close score AND most often while leading after 2 or 3 quarters, the coaching staff must take the LIONS share of the blame, IMO.
Lions fans want a head coach who guides his teams to a playoff berth and wins one and hopefully a few more. What does it matter if the HC wins 4-6 games per season on average, or 7-9? if the end result is STILL no playoffs, then there is little difference.