I'd never even heard of Valenti until I saw the video sbee posted yesterday from his show. I'm not saying he does or doesn't represent Michigan State or that he's the white knight - but I do agree with his take on the OTL piece.
Do you have something worthwhile to say about it or are you just obfuscating?
I've already said everything I've needed to say about it. I think your university has a lot to answer for, but I haven't joined the mob or joined the side that Izzo/Dantonio need to resign until all the facts are out. Believe it or not, I'm actually waiting to see how things play out and I don't side with "the mob." So I tend to steer more towards your side of the argument.
I just find it hilarious that Valenti has become the savior for so many on here and elsewhere, after basically being all but disowned from the school.
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