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MSU pres. Resigns

you said yourself you'd want then fired "if proven true" then criticized us for waiting for proof before jumping to conclusions.

How can MSU stop ESPN from doing anything? we're not Alabama. what a bizarre thing to say.

Again stop being stupid. You know what I said . Here read it slow.

If MSU did nothing wrong it should sue ESPN to stop the report from being aired . Because ESPN is still running it today .If there are errors in the ESPN report like you and sbee said msu has grounds for a lawsuit maybe right ?
If Mark and Tom are clean like you both claim in all the battery/ sexual cases that either happened or did not happen then MSU has nothing to worry about . If neither did nothing wrong you gua have nothing to worry about. But this blanket defense you both are using is laughable.

Your President pull her rip cord and step downed.
Your AD took the static line and jumped.

And Msu fans think nothing is wrong so Mark and Tom and msu should release everything they have. Then the truth will get out and msu will be cleared.
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Bob just wants to see the program go down because he thinks they might win an extra football game from time to time. It couldn't be more obvious, the way he makes assumptions and how his posts have a ton of factual errors (all slanted toward making MD and TI look worse).

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well, that assumes that Jim also "plays Peters and finds the linemen, linebackers and better cordinators (sic) they need and starts coaching better. oh, and also if he finds a damn running back."
well, that assumes that Jim also "plays Peters and finds the linemen, linebackers and better cordinators (sic) they need and starts coaching better. oh, and also if he finds a damn running back."

They are just one heisman winning player away from being a contender
BTW I WILL bet you right now Michigan crushes msu at east Lansing next year with it without your saint of a coach.

What are you talking about . I have never once Said this. Find it in any if these post where I said I want my msu to go down?. This is factual just incorrect. I have never once said I want either Mark or Tom to lose their jobs unless they are covering anything up... You two clowns are so funny how you are defending Sexual abuse and battery cover ups . Oh I mean littering charges.
Because we know EVERY SINGLE CHARGE was handled on the up and up by msu...

Here. I will say it again . IF MSU THINKS THE ESPN REPORT IS factually incorrect they should Sue ESPN to get it stopped. How hard it that to understand? I hope both are clean and are not in trouble unlike your AD and President who both bailed out .. You can't hide behind its public opinion. There is more to it then that. I hope Tom and Mark show everything they have in all the cases ..if they have nothing to hide then both are fine.

bob, it's not hard to understand at all. it's just really, really stupid. Also, find one post where either sbee or I have defended sexual abuse and/or battery cover ups? They don't exist. All we've said so far is based on the evidence, it's patently absurd for ESPN to be leveling the accusations they are. The facts don't support their reporting. No one is even saying this is a done deal - if they choose to investigate further, so be it but that doesn't change the factual errors and sensationalizing click bait that this POS shit OTL report is.
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Again stop being stupid. You know what I said . Here read it slow.

If MSU did nothing wrong it should sue ESPN to stop the report from being aired . Because ESPN is still running it today .If there are errors in the ESPN report like you and sbee said msu has grounds for a lawsuit maybe right ?
If Mark and Tom are clean like you both claim in all the battery/ sexual cases that either happened or did not happen then MSU has nothing to worry about . If neither did nothing wrong you gua have nothing to worry about. But this blanket defense you both are using is laughable.

Your President pull her rip cord and step downed.
Your AD took the static line and jumped.

And Msu fans think nothing is wrong so Mark and Tom and msu should release everything they have. Then the truth will get out and msu will be cleared.

funny how you open with "stop being stupid" then address a point I'm not even remotely making. Not surprising at all, just more nonsense from easily the dumbest person on DSF.

I don't think MSU fans think nothing is wrong - what we're doing, at least the objective ones, is looking at the OTL report and the known facts about the cases and wondering how the hell ESPN produced such an absurdly inaccurate piece attempting to create a story about cover-ups out of whole cloth.
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Again stop being stupid. You know what I said . Here read it slow.

If MSU did nothing wrong it should sue ESPN to stop the report from being aired . Because ESPN is still running it today .If there are errors in the ESPN report like you and sbee said msu has grounds for a lawsuit maybe right ?
If Mark and Tom are clean like you both claim in all the battery/ sexual cases that either happened or did not happen then MSU has nothing to worry about . If neither did nothing wrong you gua have nothing to worry about. But this blanket defense you both are using is laughable.

Your President pull her rip cord and step downed.
Your AD took the static line and jumped.

And Msu fans think nothing is wrong so Mark and Tom and msu should release everything they have. Then the truth will get out and msu will be cleared.

A lawsuit may come, Walton said that he's considering suing ESPN, MSU may follow suit but it's not an easy thing to do. First, you have to show intent to injure with the report, the likelihood of that is small, they could open a case and see what they could find in the discovery process, but again, that intent to injure is hard to prove. As for Walton, I don't think he has much of a case. The story was broader than any one individual, that isn't likely to become a successful lawsuit.

It's possible that they could demand retraction, though the issues I have with the story is not what they said but what they didn't say, no crime occurring in the Payne/Appling case, MD's handling of the Corley/King/Vance situation, the fact that 4 of the accusations come from therapists notes from a woman who passed away and MD was notified 7 years later and couldn't do anything about it. Also, the ties between Nassar and football/baskteball are very weak and irresponsible but unless you can prove their actions were gross negligence (willful) then you don't have a case. Also, these laws are state by state, not sure what Connecticut's laws are compared to Michigan.
They are just one heisman winning player away from being a contender

yeah, maybe you've planted the seed and bob will add that to his autosignature. Odd that he hasn't thought of it already - everything else is in there.
so apparently there was never any title IX investigation into the alleged rape claim against Travis Walton and 2 basketball players with an alleged victim. Seems that might be a problem.

Title 9 guidelines were different in 2011 than they are now. From the letter from the family of the accuser, it seemed like they just wanted to make Hollis aware of the alleged situation and address the behavior of the players and Walton. It's pretty safe to say that they didn't want it going to the police since the family chose not to take it there themselves. Those guidelines were enacted in 2014
Again stop being stupid. You know what I said . Here read it slow.

If MSU did nothing wrong it should sue ESPN to stop the report from being aired . Because ESPN is still running it today .If there are errors in the ESPN report like you and sbee said msu has grounds for a lawsuit maybe right ?
If Mark and Tom are clean like you both claim in all the battery/ sexual cases that either happened or did not happen then MSU has nothing to worry about . If neither did nothing wrong you gua have nothing to worry about. But this blanket defense you both are using is laughable.

Your President pull her rip cord and step downed.
Your AD took the static line and jumped.

And Msu fans think nothing is wrong so Mark and Tom and msu should release everything they have. Then the truth will get out and msu will be cleared.

I agree that they should tell the truth publicly but they have to be very careful with their words. A prepared statement is a good idea, but people will want to ask specific, hard questions to try to corner them.

We're living in a time of the mob mentality, I am a liberal/progressive as many of you know but there's a huge outrage machine on our side that is a problem. Joel Ferguson came out and said that there's a lot more going on at MSU than the "Nassar Thing" and the world lost its shit. Seriously, what he was trying to say was that MSU is a great university with a lot of good people and shouldn't be judged solely by the actions of one sick individual, that's pretty reasonable, but the outrage machine started rolling. How in the world can you say the Nassar thing vs Nassar tragedy? What kind of monster are you for saying that? It's as if feelings are the only things that matter and if you dare say something that could be interpreted as offensive to one person, you're tone deaf and they're calling for your head.

This is the environment we're in, this is why MD and Izzo talking is a verbal minefield and one misstep can cost them their career. I want answers to a few questions and I really want a response, but you're risking everything that matters to you by doing that.
I agree that they should tell the truth publicly but they have to be very careful with their words. A prepared statement is a good idea, but people will want to ask specific, hard questions to try to corner them.

We're living in a time of the mob mentality, I am a liberal/progressive as many of you know but there's a huge outrage machine on our side that is a problem. Joel Ferguson came out and said that there's a lot more going on at MSU than the "Nassar Thing" and the world lost its shit. Seriously, what he was trying to say was that MSU is a great university with a lot of good people and shouldn't be judged solely by the actions of one sick individual, that's pretty reasonable, but the outrage machine started rolling. How in the world can you say the Nassar thing vs Nassar tragedy? What kind of monster are you for saying that? It's as if feelings are the only things that matter and if you dare say something that could be interpreted as offensive to one person, you're tone deaf and they're calling for your head.

This is the environment we're in, this is why MD and Izzo talking is a verbal minefield and one misstep can cost them their career. I want answers to a few questions and I really want a response, but you're risking everything that matters to you by doing that.

I'm sorry man, there's absolutely no, no way to defend the way Joel Ferguson spoke. He put his foot in his mouth. You can pick other battles in this argument, and I won't be critical of your defense. But that's one you need to leave alone.
MSU's student government and faculty committee have protested Engler as interim president and are demanding members of the BOT resign.

they probably should... bunch of clowns.

I read an article elsewhere that MSU's BOT is unique among big universities in having a BOT that has only one member with a graduate degree (a JD from UDM), and is half composed of former jocks. among the others are Dianne Byrum, who runs a PR firm in GR. For the sake of her business rep, I hope the board has NOT been taking her advice... and Melanie Foster, a sod farmer from Flat Rock, MI. Sod Farming is important!

get with the ****ing program, MSU...

the author (currently a well-known law professor and Michigan alum) surmises that MSU's current issues are ultimately due to it's institutional inferiority complex toward UM leading to a misguided focus on athletics and fundraising, instead of academic affairs. The Board's makeup and Lou Simon's long tenure are evidence of that. (link)
Let's get one thing straight: The ONLY MOB MENTALITY here is the MSU's BOT & administration, circling the wagons around their house, rather than cleaning it up. and the fans and alums doing their best "PennSt impression" by going along with the victim-blaming and hand-waving.

Seems like some significant portion of current MSU students, and MSU faculty are NOT going along with the Mob, to their credit.

hope the good guys win... for MSU's sake.
This is the environment we're in, this is why MD and Izzo talking is a verbal minefield and one misstep can cost them their career. I want answers to a few questions and I really want a response, but you're risking everything that matters to you by doing that.

I think things are just starting. There have two shifts in standards, maybe 3. 1) the 2011-2014 change in title IX standards, 2) the current shift resulting from the me too movement, 3) maybe a shift back in title IX standard.

Gibbons happened before the first shift, but was re-addressed after the shift, and Michigan was drug through the mud in the press as a result. Something like 300 universities have had cases opened up with the federal government since then. It was close to the start of something that changed things everywhere.

Outside of the Nassar tragedy, we don't yet know how bad or good things were at MSU compared to everywhere else (probably won't ever know), but if we were to assume that things were pretty typical and the upcoming investigations are transparent, it would probably go poorly for them in the court of public opinion, because they're getting one of the big first looks in light of the shifts of the me too movement.

How title IX rollbacks will impact things, I don't know. I imagine most universities don't know what to do and just want to follow what others do. Someone will get in trouble one way or the other (not doing enough or overreaching), they'll be pushed to change, and everyone else will follow suit.
Let's get one thing straight: The ONLY MOB MENTALITY here is the MSU's BOT & administration, circling the wagons around their house, rather than cleaning it up. and the fans and alums doing their best "PennSt impression" by going along with the victim-blaming and hand-waving.

I disagree here. Some of the finger pointing between potential enablers has been picked up by the press in ways that cover both negative sides and none of the refuting. Meaning Guy A is being called an enabler because it was their call. Guy A says Guy B knew fact X. Guy B says that's a lie. Some papers then print Guy A's claim as fact and the masses want to fire (or imprison) both Guys A and B as a result.

The fact that there are accounts that directly refute each other and require investigation is mostly being ignored by the press.
the author (currently a well-known law professor and Michigan alum) surmises that MSU's current issues are...

1st paragraph mentions that verbal report issue I keep bringing up. Calling card of Pepper Hamilton, who Michigan hired a couple years ago. Hope it's not an indicator of anything.
I disagree here. Some of the finger pointing between potential enablers has been picked up by the press in ways that cover both negative sides and none of the refuting. Meaning Guy A is being called an enabler because it was their call. Guy A says Guy B knew fact X. Guy B says that's a lie. Some papers then print Guy A's claim as fact and the masses want to fire (or imprison) both Guys A and B as a result.

The fact that there are accounts that directly refute each other and require investigation is mostly being ignored by the press.

I guess there are two Mobs then? The incompetent one - who tried to sweep this under the rug, then got caught. then tried to limit it to Nassar, and got caught. and are now are trying to put their head in the sand and hope no one notices them try to fight these cases out individually, rather than admit wrongdoing, pay a bulk settlement, reorganize their compliance regime, and move forward (ie the right thing for the University both morally and financially... funny how they sometimes aline).

The "other mob" if you will, though I'd call them more "the court of public opinion" is pretty much just pointing this all out, in letters to the editor, message board posts, no confidence votes, etc. horrified, and watching the MSU Mob blunder through each day of this scandal, stretching it out ad infinitum...
I guess there are two Mobs then? The incompetent one - who tried to sweep this under the rug, then got caught. then tried to limit it to Nassar, and got caught. and are now are trying to put their head in the sand and hope no one notices them try to fight these cases out individually, rather than admit wrongdoing, pay a bulk settlement, reorganize their compliance regime, and move forward (ie the right thing for the University both morally and financially... funny how they sometimes aline).

The "other mob" if you will, though I'd call them more "the court of public opinion" is pretty much just pointing this all out, in letters to the editor, message board posts, no confidence votes, etc. horrified, and watching the MSU Mob blunder through each day of this scandal, stretching it out ad infinitum...

Yeah. The court of public opinion. I think it's a mob. They want heads to role, and they want them to roll now. As many heads as possible. Especially the most important heads. They want heads to roll far more than they want good investigations to ensure it's the right heads that roll.
...and I wouldn't put it past any BoT or BoD to sacrifice anyone if there was a chance more investigation would eventually reveal they were in some way responsible.