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Rule changes, work stoppage, Offseason changes, Pitch Clock, New Uniforms

I guess so but if owners are willing to spend 100m why haven't some ever done so. Like Pittsburgh or Tampa etc..

a few owners may not want to spend that much but I'm sure the proposal goes to some sort of vote. Maybe 4 or 5 teams voted against it.
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I used to love baseball card collecting when I was a kid in the 70's. You could get 7 packs of card for $1.05 total. That's usually the amount I'd buy (my dad would throw change in our pool :)), 10-18 cards in a pack. Not sure what they cost now.

I loved that.

I did too. I started in late 80's and collected until late 90's. Have all of Barry Sanders rookies....Gibby, Tram, Whitaker.....some old cards from the 60's and some other random good cards along the way. I'm going to pass them on to my boys one day.

I think now, its like $7.00 a pack....you get something like 8 cards......and there are about 307 different "sets" a year. It's too damn confusing and the market is so saturated.
Any salary cap that isn't a hard cap like the NFL is dumb. It's not going to keep big market teams from signing a player. Look at the NBA. They're paying stars $40M-$50M a season and the good teams have 2-3 stars. You think the Lakers would think twice about signing a Russell Westbrook even if it puts them over the "cap". NOPE, the didn't. They don't give a shit.

If MLB want's competitive balance....they need a hard cap.
Any salary cap that isn't a hard cap like the NFL is dumb. It's not going to keep big market teams from signing a player. Look at the NBA. They're paying stars $40M-$50M a season and the good teams have 2-3 stars. You think the Lakers would think twice about signing a Russell Westbrook even if it puts them over the "cap". NOPE, the didn't. They don't give a shit.

If MLB want's competitive balance....they need a hard cap.

NHL, 81.5 last two years and probably the next two years. It's awesome.
The salary cap situation right now will always make it harder for some teams. You have to be almost perfect and even then. They generally have shorter windows than teams that spend much more. It needs change and imo they need a hard cap about 160m. Give teams 5 years to get there.. It won't happen but it's ridiculous right now. Dodgers more than 200m over 4 other teams. Lol.
The salary cap situation right now will always make it harder for some teams. You have to be almost perfect and even then. They generally have shorter windows than teams that spend much more. It needs change and imo they need a hard cap about 160m. Give teams 5 years to get there.. It won't happen but it's ridiculous right now. Dodgers more than 200m over 4 other teams. Lol.

The Dodgers currently have over $78M in payroll on injured reserve...that is more than 5 teams have in total payroll.
I used to love baseball card collecting when I was a kid in the 70's. You could get 7 packs of card for $1.05 total. That's usually the amount I'd buy (my dad would throw change in our pool :)), 10-18 cards in a pack. Not sure what they cost now.

I loved that.

All those Topps packs of baseball cards in the 1950's and 1960's were just 5 cents a pack!!
I should have thrown the pink 1000 percent sugar bubble gum out, now most of my teeth are like stars they come out at night!
The Dodgers recorded the most wins (106) of any second-place team in MLB history, eclipsing their own record of 104, set in 1942. The Giants? and Dodgers? combined 213 wins still fell short of the 218 wins that the Mariners (116) and the A?s (102) totaled in the AL West in 2001.
Totally Tigers

Baseball?s CBA expires on December 1st and both MLB and the MLBPA are currently in negotiations. One of the most important issues?

Service time manipulation when players are kept from being on a major league roster for 172 days and thus giving teams an extra year of control. Potentially a total of 7 years. This allows organizations to get the best years of a player at a much lower cost.

MLB has proposed an age-based system where all players would qualify for free agency at the age of 29.5 years. This would prevent teams from keeping qualified players down in the minors and would also benefit those who break out at a later age.

However, it would also be detrimental to the very talented players who come up early and would reach free agency before turning 29.5 years old. They would be prevented from signing deals that would reward them in length and salary for their elite playing ability.

The current system highly favors owners. The new age-based system would also benefit owners but to a smaller degree.

Negotiations over this key point are only in the introductory stages. But how do you, the fans, feel?

Should both sides keep the service time agreement but change some of the parameters to make it more fair to the players?

Or should the system that determines free agency be age-based? Should both sides agree on an age that is fair to all?

Today?s blog addresses this dilemma and allows readers to share their thoughts in more detail. And hopefully, to actively engage with others by responding to their posts and creating back-and-forth discussion threads. The more the merrier!

For this one blog, you?ve got 10 sentences max to share your thoughts.
Of course, you can respond to as many other readers as you want.

TT will supply the ammunition. One thought-provoking question. Several options provided. One hard choice to be selected. One vote.


What is the best way that baseball owners and players can resolve the issues created by the current system that determines salary and free agency?

1. Revamp the service time rules.

2. Move to an age-based system.
