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Rule changes, work stoppage, Offseason changes, Pitch Clock, New Uniforms

Totally Tigers

Now that the holidays are over, MLB?s owners and the MLBPA have yet to schedule in-person negotiations about a new CBA. Many believe that meetings won?t occur until near the end of January with spring training only 2 weeks away.

Both sides are far apart on a number of key financial and team control issues. This is expected to complicate starting the season on time. There is some thought that a baseball season may even be put in jeopardy.

On the other hand, baseball took a beating for their Covid-shortened 2020 season and may not want to create yet another situation where the season is compromised. There is also concern about the sport?s downward trend in losing fans to other sports which may be further exacerbated by the lockout.

Owners spent October and November in a frenzy signing free agents. Part of an attempt to get their rosters in order before the lockdout was initiated. Would they have done all of this if there was real concern about the baseball season being in jeopardy?

And finally, there is simply too much money invested in this sport between contracts, MLB-owned sporting companies, marketing agreements and new broadcasting contracts. Are both sides willing to allow money to sit on the table uncollected?

What do you think? Will there be a baseball season? A partial season? Or one that starts on time or is just slightly delayed?

What do you expect the baseball season will look like this year?

1. No season at all.

2. Season will start very late.

3. Season will start on time or just a couple weeks late.

Turning The Corner Detroit Tigers Podcast 44: Life Lessons From Kimera Bartee. 64 minutes.

As a player and a coach, Kimera Bartee left a lasting legacy on the Detroit Tigers. The Athletic's Cody Stavenhagen and co-host Kieran Steckley discuss why we would be better off if we lived more like KB.
Other topics include Detroit revamping its player development structure (25:55) and a possible MLB Lockout compromise (40:25).
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MLB's minimum wage has fallen behind. Players ought to fight to lift it up.
The Score

Players union disappointment stems from no change from where MLB was on the luxury tax (thresholds or penalties), free agency or revenue sharing. They also prefer to see a greater increase in minimum player salary than MLB has offered. A?s said dudes remain far apart.
This shouldn't be a surprise. This is all about brinksmanship and little will happen until there's a real threat that spring training and the start of the season will be delayed. That timeline is the only motivation to get something done.

MLB remans dead set against lowering free agency from 6 years to 5. Part of the concern stems from the history of the big stars jumping from smaller markets to big markets when they hit free agency and belief this would hurt competitive balance.
And if you are rebuilding like the Detroit Tigers, shortening the timeline also shortens the window of contention when you are trying to develop your young players into experienced ones.
Totally Tigers
Totally Tigers

MLB?s owners and players are currently discussing a number of issues as they negotiate a new CBA.
One is the adopting of the universal DH rule in the NL. This would mean no more boring at-bats by pitchers and the potential for them to get injured at the plate.

Another is the suggestion of a minimum and maximum payroll budget that would prevent teams from putting a non-competitive product on the field and keeping the financial ? and thus competitive ? gap from widening.

The last involves removing the incentives for tanking by revamping the draft order and taking away the financial rewards teams receive for being bad.

If you could select only one, which of these 3 would you like to see implemented?

Today?s blog addresses this dilemma and allows readers to share their thoughts in more detail. And hopefully, to actively engage with others by responding to their posts and creating back-and-forth discussion threads. The more the merrier!

For this one blog only, you?ve got 10 sentences max to share your thoughts.
Of course, you can respond to as many other readers as you want.

TT will supply the ammunition. One thought-provoking question. Several options provided. One hard choice to be selected. One vote.


Which change to the CBA would you most like to see implemented?

1. Universal DH.

2. Minimum/maximum payroll limits.

3. Remove tanking incentives.
