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Rule changes, work stoppage, Offseason changes, Pitch Clock, New Uniforms

Baseball faces its greatest labor crisis since the World Series was canceled in '94. The owners are increasingly convinced Tony Clark and Bruce Meyer have had their power neutered and that owners are actually negotiating against the hidden hand of the game's top agent Scott Boras.
Webvideo Baseball players, owners at impasse in negotiations. 4 1/2
The New York Times' Michael Schmidt discusses the latest in the MLB lockout.
Totally Tigers

Today, another opportunity for readers to discuss the hottest topics in a forum where thoughtful dialog and a variety of opinions are welcomed.

Let?s create some running conversational threads. And for those of you still going into offices, here?s a question to take with you ? or use via Zoom calls ? as you talk to your co-workers.

Here is today?s hot topic.
One of the key issues MLB owners want from a new CBA is to further expand the playoffs. Their main motivation is fueled by the revenue that comes from games and television.

Players would also receive financial incentives from an expanded playoff format but nothing like what the owners would get.

MLB is asking for a 14-team playoff format. The regular playoff season consists of 10 teams.

As with any new proposed changes, there are questions to be asked.

How much longer would the season become?

Would a longer season jeopardize the physical condition of players?

If more teams could now qualify, would organization become less competitive as a result?

Would having almost half of MLB qualify for the playoffs dilute the honor of post-season play?

What do you think? How many teams should qualify for the post-season?

How many playoffs teams should MLB have?

1. Keep it at 10.

2. Increase to 12 teams.

3. Increase to 14 teams.

Commissioner Fuck Face Rob Manfred is expected to announce on Thursday that Spring Training will be delayed.

Rob Manfred since the 2019 World Series:
-Failed to punish cheaters.
-Called WS trophy a ?piece of metal.?
-Used a pandemic for financial leverage.
-Imposed a 60-game ?season.?
-Introduced ghost runners & 7-inning ?games.?
-Secretly manipulated baseballs.
-Locked out MLB players

One thing that?s certain with the MLB lockout? if the MLB labor team doesn?t get back to the table with the MLBPA, I could see the PA filing an unfair labor practice charge against the league. Manfred called the lockout. The players have said they are ready to negotiate.

Rob Manfred, Dan Halem and MLB owners are meeting at a hotel near Disney World. Tony Clark and Bruce Meyer are meeting with players in Arizona today and then later in the week, Florida. Manfred is to speak to media Thursday. No meeting between MLB, MLBPA scheduled.

I promise Manfred will rail about the players not accepting mediation..then say not a damn thing of value..and take no questions..and have no date of a future offer..or plan to negotiate..

?He just doesn?t really think about the fan as a fan. He doesn?t really think about the players as people. He thinks about all of us as a dollar sign.?
Trevor May had A LOT to say about Rob Manfred.

Just so we understand Rob Manfred's failure fully...
He initiated a lockout of the players on Dec. 2. They then did not initiate any talks with the MLBPA until Jan. 13, 42 days later.
The owners made one proposal to MLBPA...

Holding a press conference to advise spring training is being delayed, just five days before it was due to begin, in the middle of a deep and ugly lockout, is such a Manfred move. He thinks he is smarter than everyone else. He doesn't think baseball fans can think for themselves.

They have not responded with a counteroffer to a union proposal from TWO WEEKS ago. Don't let Rob Manfred convince you that the failure of spring training to start on time falls on anyone other than one person.
Rob Manfred.

I can?t wait to see how much Rob Manfred bashes the piss out of the players on Thursday.

?Those pesky greedy players want some of our BILLIONS can you believe that my fellow average working Americans?! They are just so greedy, now go buy a $10 hotdog and $23 beer!?
To be clear. Manfred/MLB want stricter penalties under the CollectiveBargainingTax(CBT). All the CBT does is suppress spending & encourage TANKING. Aren?t fans tired of this? Don?t you want to see ALL teams actually trying to win each year? CBT should be abolished not enhanced.

Alex Wood

This is why I keep saying the game needs an actual "Commissioner of Baseball." While that is Mr. Manfred's title, it is functionally misleading. He is employed to represent the interests (most often financial) of 30 owners. The best interests of the game are something else.

David Laurila

Manfred, asked if owning an MLB team is a good investment, said the return would be better on the stock market. He cites purchase price, sale price and cash needed for operations, and said ownership is riskier than stock market.

Bill Shaikin

1. This isn't true
2. Even if it was, just go invest in the stock market! No one is forcing you to purchase an MLB team!
3. This is the exact type of comment that understandably ticks off players and gets passed around in group chats and fosters distain and distrust. Infuriating.

Cespedes Family BBQ

The NBA needed to prove it was losing money, in 1982, and it did. MLB owners opened their books in 1985 and their claims of poverty were proven to be ridiculous. Until MLB teams open their books for real again, the working assumption has to be they are printing money.

Joe Sheehan

I always enjoy when Manfred answers questions flagrantly LIES gets fact checked while he's answering..it just wastes everyone's time.


Since 2002:
S&P 500 return: +308%
MLB team values: +564% (per Statista)

Travis Sawchik

It?s going to be interesting to hear what Manfred has to say out of the owners meetings this week. Remember it?s not just Rob speaking. What he says reflects the will of the owners.

Maury Brown
Manfred Expresses Optimism For Full Season, Says MLB Has Proposed Universal DH And Elimination Of Draft-Pick Compensation.

'Committed to making an agreement,' MLB set to make new proposal to MLBPA.

Rob Manfred: MLB owners committed to getting CBA deal done, starting season on time.

MLB will make new proposal Saturday; commish optimistic 2022 season will start on time.

MLB delaying start of spring training is imminent as owners meet in Orlando.

MLB commissioner Rob Manfred: Losing games to lockout would be 'disastrous outcome'.
Rays player rep Tyler Glasnow says players are ?very unified? heading into Saturday?s negotiations with owners. #MLBlockout

Remember when Major League Baseball locked the players out and said it was because the players refused to negotiate and then the league waited 6 weeks to make a proposal? Because Rob Manfred hopes you didn?t when he spoke February 10.

Where should one (a wealthy one) invest? Stonks or MLB clubs? Since 2002, MLB team valuations outperformed the S&P 500, Dow Jones, and Russell 2k.
An MLB team, ounce per ounce, gained more value than gold.
Is the stock market really a better investment than an MLB team?
Travis Sawchik
Totally Tigers

In 4 days, pitchers and catchers are supposed to report to spring training camps. However, there is still no new CBA and articles show that both sides are still very far apart.

It is almost a sure bet that spring training will be delayed and thus, the regular season as well.

As fans, how do you feel about what is expected to be a delay in the season and potentially also a shortened one?

How will you feel if the baseball season is delayed/shortened?

1. Trying to be patient.

2. Somewhat disappointed.

3. Very disappointed.

4. Very upset.

Minimal movement at today's MLB/MLBPA meeting. In fact the MLBPA is flat out unimpressed. Manfred talked this up all week, but as feared it was all bull shit. Spring Training all but certain to be delayed now. Season in danger too. Absolute circus. Manfred needs to be booted out.

The MLBPA came out of the meeting with MLB unimpressed by the offer from the league and there?s very little progress made between the two sides in negotiations.

By the way, we are on the clock for Rob Manfred to postpone the opening of Spring Training and blame the players for it because they didn't accept a deal improved by approximately .00000000000000001%.

Once again: facts not in evidence.
As negotiations were going on in good faith, the MLBPA *chose* not to strike in 1996 for leverage, *chose* not to strike in 1995 for leverage. And the 1994 strike was pushed because MLB decided to stiff their legally required pension payments.

MLB lockout: MLBPA unimpressed with owners' latest core economics proposal.
MLB and the MLBPA held their first meeting in 11 days on Saturday.
MLB hired an expert at the rate of $775 per hour to make an argument for minor league players remaining unpaid during Spring Training.

MLB Argues For Minor League Players To Remain Unpaid For Spring Training. Fuck You Manfred and Owners.

MLB offers changes to tax penalties, minimum salary structure in latest proposal to locked-out players.
Totally Tigers

We hear that there is some special sporting event happening this weekend that doesn?t involve baseball. But we all need our baseball fix! This weekend is the perfect time to introduce a special version of Open Mike.

We?ll let this run through Monday in order to maximize the topics and the discussion.

Here are the rules:

A new comment must be in the form of a question. You have 2 sentences to ask other readers a question. You can ask for info or opinions. Whatever is on your mind, whatever you find interesting or whatever you feel will generate discussion.
2. If you?d like to respond to someone?s question, you?ve got 6 sentences to offer your opinion or information. You may reply to as many questions as you?d like.

The goal? To generate multiple threads (a topic followed by multiple responses). The more responses to a question, the better!

Stupid people. Lock out for over two months now and their meetings have totaled about 4 minutes. Jeez, get to work already.
I see the owner's made another proposal but the players aren't sending any sort of counter proposal.
I see the owner's made another proposal but the players aren't sending any sort of counter proposal.

I know right? They don't like it so instead of a counter they walk out or hang up. Couldn't even manage an hour today.