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Rule changes, work stoppage, Offseason changes, Pitch Clock, New Uniforms

Does any regular posters read any of these??
The fucking owners are not offering the players and the union anything.
This commissioner Manfred is worse than Goodell of the NFL.

MLBPA ?Unimpressed? By MLB?s Latest Offer In CBA Negotiations.

Player Valuation Trends Remain At Issue In CBA Negotiations.

Owners? newest proposal little changed from previous offers.
Owners will keep the players locked out, and major league spring training is now delayed.
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I have been following it. It's a negotiation. The owners have offered many things that I feel are pretty fair. The minimum salary for pre arb seems fair. Placing limits on the number of times a player can be sent down is also good. $15M for the bonus pool seems pretty low but $105M seems way too high. I don't see moving the luxury tax all the way up to $250-$260M being a good thing for MLB. The "haves" will have at a significant competitive advantage. Most of the writers paint a picture that the owners are in it for themselves and the players are just looking out for the "good of the game" which is total horseshit. Both sides are doing it with only one thing in mind...what's best for them.

Anyway, I'm not too worried about it. They will likely meet in the middle somewhere.
The Owners? Latest Offer Gets Us No Closer to Baseball Season.

This is a lockout, not a strike. It is entirely of the owners? doing ? you could say they own it ? and entirely unnecessary, because the 2022 season could be played under the terms of the previous CBA until a new one is in place. The two sides would need to agree to restore the old agreement?s Competitive Balance Tax, Joint Drug Agreement, and domestic violence policy ? all of which have technically expired as of December 1, 2021 ? until such a point, and that may not be trivial, but it would be a rare glimpse of good faith. Based on the minimal concessions the owners have been offering, not to mention the widening gap between revenues and salaries over the past decade, they must like that old CBA pretty well, because they seem reluctant to change things too radically.

Yes, the two sides have agreed that the new CBA will include a draft lottery of some kind as well as a universal designated hitter and the elimination of draft pick compensation, as Manfred announced on Thursday. But the owners have refused to budge from the status quo on the years to free agency and arbitration, as well as revenue sharing, and the two sides remain miles apart on the core economic issues addressed in Saturday?s proposal. The players are not amused. Via The Athletic?s Evan Drellich and Ken Rosenthal:

There are some [players] who would have preferred that the union had not made its last counter offer at all. Some of the same sentiment cropped up Saturday, based on a feeling that MLB is moving too little to consistently warrant counter-offers.

Because Saturday, when MLB made its first economics proposal of February, was predictably just like everything else that preceded it. MLB made moves it thought the players should consider significant, and the players felt, again, lowballed and frustrated. Some players fear that with their counter-offers they essentially are bidding against themselves. The league says it has the same fear with its own offers to players.
Locked On Detroit Tigers Podcast: MLB Lockout Update Turns into a Screaming Rant + MiLB MiniCamp. 36 minutes.

Today's show goes off the rails as Scotty finally loses his marbles and sounds off on MLB's most recent request amidst the lockout. Frustrated to the point of exhaustion. Lots of yelling. Lots. We end on reading the names of the players who actually will be playing baseball this week.
Totally Tigers

Today, another opportunity for readers to discuss the hottest topics in a forum where thoughtful dialog and a variety of opinions are welcomed.

Let?s create some running conversational threads. And for those of you still going into offices, here?s a question to take with you ? or use via Zoom calls ? as you talk to your co-workers.

Here is today?s hot topic.
One of the biggest issues for the players in negotiating a new CBA is the topic of player control. Currently, prospects who are just joining their MLB team are under team control for 6 years. Often, teams manipulate service time in order to get 7 years.

Players start with minimum salaries and then have 3 years of salary arbitration that is a combination of a universal scale combined with their contributions.

The big issue of concern for players centers around how their careers are controlled by teams. Team control allows organizations to receive (more often than not) the best years of a player at a minimal cost. When these players are finally free to pursue free agency, they are around 30 years old and teams are no longer interested in offering extended contracts for higher pay. These players are being squeezed out of the market with each passing year.

On the other hand, if team control was of a shorter duration, players would be able to seek free agency earlier in their careers. In turn, this may impact a team?s window of contention or remove a fan-favorite from the team sooner.

Should players be allowed to control their careers in less than 6-7 years?

Should the current team control rules for a player be changed?

1. No, allow teams to control a player for 6-7 yrs.

2. Yes, allow players to control their careers w/fewer years under team control.

The MLB and MLBPA meeting is over after 15 minutes.

MLBPA requested an increase from $100 million to $115 million in its pre-arb bonus pool in exchange for the arb. eligibility class to include 80% of its players with 2 yrs of service instead of 100%. MLB called it a non-starter
Owners raise their "bonus pool" offer from $10M to $15M. Union counters by raising their proposed bonus pool from $100M to $115M. A few more "counter offers" by the union and it will be up to $150M :lmao: