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Retard!! What dont you understand? AR's career completion % is 65%!! Staff was 63+% for that one year, right? Im not comparing Stafford to Rodgers....get your fn head outta your ass for 2 seconds, please.

So since 63.5% is not elite, then Rodgers isnt elite at 65%? Go bury your head in the sand

But Rodgers is not 65% in 2011, he's 68.3%. And why take Rodgers career vs Staffs best? Plus, AR career is closer to 66%.
You're arguing career for some guys and taking the best year of another guy. I guess Jamal Lewis is better than Barry. He did have a better year..;-)
You're arguing career for some guys and taking the best year of another guy. I guess Jamal Lewis is better than Barry. He did have a better year..;-)

Bahahahaaaaaa....now youre just being retarded. Good for you bro!! You know exactly what im talking about and you know it. You say 65% isnt elite but i gave you 2 HOF QBs with the same % and you still are fn clueless. Pretty sad.....
Bahahahaaaaaa....now youre just being retarded. Good for you bro!! You know exactly what im talking about and you know it. You say 65% isnt elite but i gave you 2 HOF QBs with the same % and you still are fn clueless. Pretty sad.....

You can't compare 1 guys average but the other guys career year. And then say one guy is a elite because he matches the first guys numbers for 1 year..Staff isn't close to AR or Brady.
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You can't compare 1 guys average but the other guys career year. And then say one guy is a elite because he matches the first guys numbers for 1 year..Staff isn't close to AR or Brady.

Wooooooooooooooo!! You dont get it...i understand now...its so clear lol.

One more fn time!!!

Im not comparing the Staff to Brady , Rodgers, Montana or anyone. Im saying Stafford had a solid comp % of 63+ and you said 'it should be better' with a guy like Best. No it shouldnt because thats a great comp % for the year.
Then you went on to say that 65% is not elite when i gave you similar numbers from QBs like Brady, Rodgers and Montana. One HOF QB and two well on their way. You look stupid arguing this....keep it up though, its enterfntaining..lol
Just admit you're wrong. I really gotta go .. I can't play any longer.
Just admit you're wrong. I really gotta go .. I can't play any longer.

Youre fn stupid...i get it. My brain itches when i read your fn posts.

Comparing Staff to Rodgers? Only an idiot with a table leg for a brain would think i did that. I compared ONE year of a comp percentage...thats it. Then you said 65% wasnt elite for a QB. I proved you DEAD wrong with 3 HOF QBs.....should i go on to prove how much of a dumbass you are? Stick to the Tigers board, Mitch....seriously....youre just going to hurt yourself more over here...wow
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Tony, try understanding Mitch's argument. He makes a good point. You're comparing Stafford's best year to the career averages of some of the best QBs ever. That's not a fair comparison. If Stafford's best year isn't even as good as the other QBs average years, he has a ways to go in order to earn his contract.
In today's NFL, Stafford should be above 63% if you want to consider him good. There were 11 full time starters with completion % at or above 63%. If you add in Kapernick & Smith as one (since they split time, combined 66.3%) there would be 12. He was 21st in the league (among full time starters) in yards per attempt. He NEEDS to be more efficient in order to be considered a top QB. Right now he is performing at the middle of the pack level. He should be consistantly in the top 10.
Tony, try understanding Mitch's argument. He makes a good point. You're comparing Stafford's best year to the career averages of some of the best QBs ever. That's not a fair comparison. If Stafford's best year isn't even as good as the other QBs average years, he has a ways to go in order to earn his contract.

No no no...lol. He went on to say that Stafford should be better than that. All i said was 60+% is AR territory. Im not comparing the 2 QBs...dont get it twisted....just the numbers, theres a difference. In no way do i think theyre remotely the same. I was merely pointing out his comp % was very good that year and any QB would have taken a 63+% for the year.

Then he went on to say 65% comp % is not elite. That had nothing to do with Stafford. I named 3-4 ELITE QBs that had an avg of 60+%. That number is elite 100%

He was obviously confused what i was trying to point out. Well, i certainly hope he was
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In today's NFL, Stafford should be above 63% if you want to consider him good. There were 11 full time starters with completion % at or above 63%. If you add in Kapernick & Smith as one (since they split time, combined 66.3%) there would be 12. He was 21st in the league (among full time starters) in yards per attempt. He NEEDS to be more efficient in order to be considered a top QB. Right now he is performing at the middle of the pack level. He should be consistantly in the top 10.

Correct. Thats why i said 60+% is considered a solid year. You want your QB reaching those types of numbers and Staff had those numbers for the one year. And yes, he needs to reach those numbers again. Those are top 10 QB numbers.......